• Philosophy of metrics


    Defining and measuring metrics is easy. Adding yet another metric just to add yet another metric happens subconsciously. It’s easy to focus on the values of the metrics and make decisions or to measure success only by using them. And it’s easy to forget why are they being measured in the first place – if…

  • It works as I wrote it

    Let’s face it, humans are bad in observing our own mistakes; we miswrite, misread, misunderstand, and miscommunicate often, without realizing it. As unit tests are often written by the same person who writes the code that is being tested, there is a chance that any mistakes in the code will be duplicated in the unit…

  • All the metrics


    It’s not always trivial to determine the impact, or the lack of impact, of a change. However numbers don’t lie and we humans are used to be measuring everything except t-shirts with numbers. Measuring something in a numeric form before and after a change should indicate whether the change is good, bad, or ugly, right?…

  • The silver-unit-testing-bullet?

    First of all, there’s no doubt that unit testing can be a great form of testing. But it is not the silver bullet it is often promised. The lack of unit testing is not likely the reason for all of the issues in your project-gone-bad. As automated unit testing is, or should be, fast, efficient,…

  • Scrum in a nutshell


    One of the most popular agile frameworks is scrum. The holy trinity of scrum is the team, the events, and the artefacts. Amen. The team works on the artefacts while following the events. A sprint is planned by crafting a sprint backlog, that is worked on by the team during the sprint, and after the…

  • The unit in unit testing

    Surely, everyone talks about the same unit in the context of unit testing, right? It may be that the world hasn’t completely agreed on it yet. There are likely two main religions about the unit. The first group, let’s name them as the ideologists, believe that the unit is always the absolutely smallest unit that…

  • What’s agile?


    Agile is a synonym for nimble. Move along, nothing to see here. In the tech world agile is a term that raises feelings – both in good and in bad. Many of the tech guys have personal experiences and opinions related to the term. It could be, that even the author isn’t completely objective. It’s…

  • What’s unit testing?

    Unit testing? You mean those automated fast tests, right? That is, hopefully, often the case. Unit testing is wired in our brain to mean automated tests and maybe you’re already thinking about your favorite unit test framework… But let’s zoom out a bit. Unit testing is testing pieces, the units, of software more or less…