Philosophy of metrics


Defining and measuring metrics is easy. Adding yet another metric just to add yet another metric happens subconsciously. It’s easy to focus on the values of the metrics and make decisions or to measure success only by using them. And it’s easy to forget why are they being measured in the first place – if there even is any.

What exactly is being measured, why is it measured, how is it measured, what does a change in the value mean, and what’s the target for the value. These are the questions often forgotten or left unanswered.

Is it something to celebrate, when nothing relevant is being created but superficial work is being done faster, better, in schedule, and with great style – with perfect metrics? A very fast car without brakes and steering is not valuable for most of the drivers.

Metrics can be a good servant but they are not a good leader. Make sure you master them before you end up as a servant.