What’s agile?


Agile is a synonym for nimble. Move along, nothing to see here.

In the tech world agile is a term that raises feelings – both in good and in bad. Many of the tech guys have personal experiences and opinions related to the term. It could be, that even the author isn’t completely objective.

It’s easy to use the term agile as a plain category for Kanban, Scrum, Water-Scrum-Fall, and all the rest. But agile is an ideology, whereas the latter are frameworks. And maybe the agile bible, The Agile manifesto, fills the minds of the readers with beliefs of agile being only about software development.

In a bit more vague definition agile is an ideology of how to operate in complex or fast changing environments, where either a plan just can’t be made or a plan would be outdated before it can be applied.

Agile is about accepting uncertainty, welcoming change, and efficiently maneuvering through the unknown.